Building a sustainable future for environmental integrity

windmill on grass field during golden hour

Environment & Climate Services

At AUJ LAWYERS LLP, we are dedicated to providing cutting-edge legal services in the areas of environment and climate change. Recognizing the global and local implications of environmental law, our team offers expert advice and robust representation to help clients navigate this rapidly evolving legal landscape. Our environment and climate change services include:

Regulatory Compliance: We assist clients with compliance with all levels of environmental regulations, from local to international standards. Our services include navigating complex regulatory frameworks, securing permits, and ensuring operational compliance with environmental laws.

Environmental Due Diligence: We conduct thorough environmental due diligence for clients engaged in mergers, acquisitions and real estate transactions to identify potential liabilities and ensure that environmental risks are managed effectively.

Climate Change Policy and Advocacy: Our firm represents clients in policy discussions and legislative processes related to climate change. We provide advocacy and strategic advice to influence and adapt to environmental policies that impact business operations and sustainability goals.

Litigation and Dispute Resolution: We represent clients in environmental disputes, including litigation related to compliance with environmental regulations, liability for environmental damage, and disputes over natural resource management.

Sustainable Business Practices: We advise clients on integrating sustainable practices into their business operations. This includes guidance on renewable energy projects, carbon credit trading, and the development of green technologies.

Risk Management and Insurance: Our team assists in evaluating environmental risks associated with business activities and advises on appropriate insurance coverage and risk management strategies to mitigate these risks.

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We are here to help

Talk to our lawyers today. We tailor our services around your legal needs so that we can reach the desired outcome together.